Ecofeminism Workshop

"Ecofeminist Readings of Life on Earth"

Lecture and Workshop

17 October 2021 – London/Online

1pm-4pm (London Time)

organised by

London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research


Academic LAB

What is ecological discourse? How do feminist principles inform one’s  environmental awareness? The session commences with a lecture that revolves around some of the tenets of ecocriticism and introduces participants to the ecofeminist worldview. Our intention is to create  ecodiscourse as a powerful commentary against transnational (industrial) policies and political grids that sanction ecological  deterioration and human exploitation. In the workshop, participants are asked to formulate their unique approach to specific literary excerpts, develop critical judgments and formulate comparative  approaches to ecocide. The activities complement the theory by  focusing on how capitalism and patriarchy are responsible for the current ecological crisis and the domination of women. An additional  activity is the development of visual literacy by relating textual  passages to short films, images and/or artifacts.

The workshop is designed for students, young scholars and independent researchers with a particular interest related to ecocriticism and/or gender studies. It will allow them to deepen theoretical and methodological knowledge and critical thinking in their area of research.

All the registered participants who will attend the workshop will receive certificates.

In order to book a place, please register on by 10 October 2021.

Registration fee is 45 GBP

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